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X Review: Retaliation Crimson Guard

X Review: Retaliation Crimson Guard


First released in 1985, the Crimson Guard has seen 15 other versions(including this one) which included ‘Crimson Shadow Guards’, and Officers. The 25th version was released 2008, bringing the Siegie into the modern era. Throughout the years, the basic identity did not change much at all, besides being refined for modern articulation. Still in pressed, fancy uniforms with no real battle readiness.


Courtesy of YoJoe.com.


From the original filecard:

Grade: E-4 (or equivalent)
Birthplace: Various Countries
Primary Specialty: Undercover espionage
Secondary Specialty: Accounting

The Crimson Guard are the elite shock troops of the COBRA Legions. All “Siegies” must hold a degree in either law or accounting as well as being in top physical condition. Final stages of training take place in the deepest recesses of COBRA Headquarters and is purported to involve an initiation too hideous for description.

Crimson Guardsmen are too precious to be wasted on the conventional battle field. They are dispersed about the country in deep cover, assuming normal appearances and life-styles. Watch out. That friendly new neighbor of yours might just have a red uniform hanging in his closet….


Courtesy of YoJoe.com.

From the Retaliation “filecard”:

The Crimson Guard are elite shock troopers that report directly to Cobra Commander. They are tough and powerful fighters, challenging the GI Joe in hand-to-hand combat, and unleashing their weapons with steel-eyed skill in a wild shootout!

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About Ian Walker

Just a stay at home dad, part time internet troll, and amateur photographer, with delusions of grandeur and a love for 1:18th scale toys.

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